
Added in version 3.8.0.

This module contains various trait types, which can be used in the context of custom modifiers, custom viewport overlays, and other Python-based extensions for OVITO. Traits encapsulate object parameters, which are displayed in the OVITO graphical user interface and can be adjusted by the user.

The specific trait types defined in this module supplement the generic trait types provided by the Traits Python package, which can be used to define parameters with simple data types such as numeric values and strings. The OVITO-specific trait types in this module are tailored to the needs of OVITO’s Python scripting interface and provide additional functionality for interacting with the OVITO data pipeline, the undo system, and the graphical user interface.

The following OVITO-specific trait types are available:

  • OvitoObject: A trait type that stores an instance of a class from the ovito package, e.g. a visual element, modifier, or data object.

  • Color: A trait type that stores a tuple of three floats representing the RGB components of a color parameter.

  • Vector2: A trait type that stores a tuple of two floats representing a vector or point in 2d space.

  • Vector3: A trait type that stores a tuple of three floats representing a vector or point in 3d space.

  • FilePath: A trait type that stores a filesystem path. In the GUI, a file selection dialog is displayed for the user to pick the trait value.

  • DataObjectReference: A trait type that holds a reference to a certain DataObject in a DataCollection object hierarchy.

  • PropertyReference: A trait type that holds a reference to a Property.

class ovito.traits.Color(default=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), **metadata)

A trait type that stores a tuple of three floats representing the RGB components of a color parameter. The three components must be in the range 0.0 - 1.0.

See User parameters for more information.

  • default – The initial RGB values to be assigned to the parameter trait.

  • metadata – Additional keyword arguments are forwarded to the base trait constructor.

class ovito.traits.DataObjectReference(object_type, filter=None, default_value=None, **metadata)

This trait type holds a DataObject.Ref reference to a data object in a DataCollection. The stored reference tells where to find the selected object in the pipeline output but it does not hold the actual object. The user can select the data object from a list of available objects in the OVITO graphical user interface. To retrieve the actual object from a data collection, use the DataCollection.get method.

  • object_type (type[DataObject]) – A DataObject-derived class type.

  • filter (Callable[[DataObject], bool] | None) – Optional callback function that can be used to additionally filter the list of data objects shown to the user in the GUI.

  • default_value (Ref | None) – Optional DataObject.Ref instance to be used as the initial value of the trait.

  • metadata – Additional keyword arguments are forwarded to the base trait constructor.

Usage example: a custom modifier that lets the user select a DataTable object from the pipeline:

from ovito.data import DataTable, DataObject
from ovito.pipeline import ModifierInterface
from ovito.traits import DataObjectReference

class PrintTableModifier(ModifierInterface):

    # Define a parameter trait that lets the user select a DataTable:
    input_table = DataObjectReference(DataTable, label="Input table")

    def modify(self, data, **kwargs):
        # Look up the selected DataTable in the input data collection:
        table = data.get(self.input_table)

This is how you would insert the custom modifier into the pipeline and configure it to print a specific data table:

pipeline.modifiers.append(PrintTableModifier(input_table=DataObject.Ref(DataTable, 'structures')))

Added in version 3.11.0.

class ovito.traits.FilePath(default='', **metadata)

A trait type that stores a filesystem path. In the GUI, a file selection dialog is displayed for the user to pick the trait value.

See User parameters for more information.

  • default (str) – Initial parameter trait value.

  • metadata – Additional keyword arguments are forwarded to the base trait constructor.

Added in version 3.10.0.

class ovito.traits.OvitoObject(klass, factory=None, **params)

A trait type that stores an instance of a class from the ovito package, e.g. a visual element, modifier, or data object. The object instance is treated as an sub-object of the class defining the trait, and the sub-object’s parameters are displayed in the OVITO graphical user interface such that the user can adjust its settings. See User parameters for more information.

  • klass – The object class type to instantiate.

  • params – All other keyword parameters are forwarded to the constructor of the object class.

class ovito.traits.PropertyReference(*, container=DataObject.Ref(Particles), default_value='', mode=Mode.Components, filter=None, **metadata)

A trait type that manages a reference to a Property. The reference is encoded as a string containing the name of the property - optionally followed by a dot and the name of a vector component of the property.

See User parameters for more information.

  • container (str | Ref) –

    1. Ref specifying a PropertyContainer object from which the user can select a property or

    2. name of a DataObjectReference trait defined in the same class, which allows the user to select a property container.

  • default_value (str) – Initial property name to be assigned to the parameter trait.

  • mode (Mode) – Controls whether the trait should list entire properties, individual components of properties, or both.

  • filter (Callable[[PropertyContainer, Property], bool] | None) – Optional callback function that can be used to filter the list of properties shown to the user.

  • metadata – Additional keyword arguments are forwarded to the base trait constructor.

Usage example:

from ovito.data import DataObject, PropertyContainer, Particles
from ovito.pipeline import ModifierInterface
from ovito.traits import DataObjectReference, PropertyReference

class PrintTypesModifier(ModifierInterface):

    # Define a parameter trait that lets the user select a PropertyContainer.
    # A filter function is provided to show only containers that contain at least one typed property.
    input_container = DataObjectReference(
        filter=lambda container: any(prop.types for prop in container.values()),

    # Define a parameter trait that lets the user select a property from the selected container.
    # A filter function is provided to show only properties that are typed.
    input_property = PropertyReference(
        container="input_container",   # That's the name of the trait defined above
        default_value="Particle Type",
        filter=lambda c, p: len(p.types) != 0,

    # Modifier function implementation:
    def modify(self, data, **kwargs):
        if not self.input_container: return
        if not self.input_property: return
        container = data.get(self.input_container) # Look up the selected PropertyContainer
        prop = container[self.input_property]  # Look up the selected property
        # Print the list of types attached to the selected property:
        for t in prop.types:
            print(t.id, t.name)

Added in version 3.11.0.

class Mode(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Enumeration of possible component listing modes for vector properties.

Components = 'components'

List individual components of vector properties.

Properties = 'properties'

List entire properties (not their vector components).

PropertiesAndComponents = 'properties_and_components'

List entire properties AND their vector components.

class ovito.traits.Vector2(default=(0.0, 0.0), **metadata)

A trait type that stores a tuple of two floats, which represent a vector or point in 2d space.

See User parameters for more information.

  • default – The initial vector value to be assigned to the parameter trait.

  • metadata – Additional keyword arguments are forwarded to the base trait constructor.

Added in version 3.10.0.

class ovito.traits.Vector3(default=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), **metadata)

A trait type that stores a tuple of three floats, which represent a vector or point in 3d space.

See User parameters for more information.

  • default – The initial vector value to be assigned to the parameter trait.

  • metadata – Additional keyword arguments are forwarded to the base trait constructor.

Added in version 3.10.0.