Assign color


This modifier assigns a uniform color to all selected elements (particles, bonds, etc.) by setting their Color property. Which elements are currently selected is determined by the value of their Selection property. If no selection is defined, i.e. if the Selection property does not exist, the color is assigned to all elements by the modifier.

The field Operate on selects the type of elements that get assigned the color:

Operate on



Selected particles will be colored by setting their Color property.


Selected bonds will be colored by setting their Color property.

Particle vectors

The vector glyphs of selected particles will be colored by setting their Vector Color property.

Mesh faces

Selected facets of a surface mesh will be colored by setting their Color property.

Mesh vertices

Selected vertices of a surface mesh will be colored by setting their Color property.

Note that OVITO uses a red color to highlight selected particles in the interactive viewports. Since this accentuation color would mask the actual particle color assigned by this modifier, the modifier clears the current selection by default (by completely removing the Selection property). If you would like to preserve the particle selection so that it remains available to subsequent modifiers in the data pipeline, you can request the modifier to not delete the Selection property by activating the option Keep selection.

See also

ovito.modifiers.AssignColorModifier (Python API)