Version 3.12.0 (xx-xxx-2025)
New utilities command panel tab
Compute property modifier: New option to include all bonded neighbor particles in the computation
Support for named types in selection expressions
Support for reading a zstd compressed trajectory file while it is being written by the simulation code
LAMMPS dump local file reader in combination with Load trajectory modifier now supports loading dynamic angle/dihedral/improper interaction data from LAMMPS dump local files
GSD/HOOMD file reader: Retain complete chunk paths in per-particle property names loaded from GSD files
GSD/HOOMD file reader: Automatically generate Vectors visual elements for user-defined particle properties with 3 components
Aspherix file reader: Fixed grid domain size incorrectly overriding the simulation cell size
Restored automatic seeking to the last frame of a growing trajectory file when using the update trajectory frames function
py Added
decoratorpy Added translation and rotation parameters to
and removedPipeline.translation
propertiespy Replaced
parameter withLinesVis.flat_shading
parameterpy Replaced
parameter withDislocationVis.flat_shading
parameterpro Added ASE trajectory writer
pro Added support for user-defined file exporters
pro Added support for user-defined utility applets running in the command panel of OVITO Pro
pro Added a GUI function for installing third-party Python packages in the embedded interpreter
pro OVITO Pro can now be used as a Jupyter kernel (in conda environments), combining interactive Python scripting with the full OVITO Pro GUI
pro Added depth-aware outline effect to OSPRay renderer and VisRTX renderer
pro Improved object picking performance in interactive viewports for the VisRTX renderer
Version 3.11.3 (29-Dec-2024)
Automatically insert the Create isosurface modifier into the pipeline when importing a CHGCAR file
GSD file reader: Added support for sphere and spherocylinder particle shapes (ConvexPolyhedron with 1 or 2 vertices)
Workaround for Qt/OpenGL memory leak on macOS when using the Ambient occlusion modifier
py Added
functions for converting OVITO particle structures to and from pymatgen Structure objectspy Notify user of invalid usage of
iterators ( discussion)
Version 3.11.2 (28-Nov-2024)
Affine transformation modifier: (pure) rotations are now applied to the
property of particles if presentCoordination analysis modifier: Exclude types of unselected particles from partial RDF legend if Use only selected particles option is enabled
Fixed crash when closing OVITO while Generate trajectory lines modifier is still processing
Fixed GUI issue on Linux: Pressing enter key while focus is in a text field may toggle a parent group checkbox
py Added the
parameter trait typepro VisRTX: Performance improvements for rendering particles with user-defined shapes
pro VisRTX: Fixed program crash when rendering multiple interactive viewports in parallel
pro VisRTX: Fixed color compositing of semi-transparent objects in interactive viewports
pro VisRTX: Reduced z-fighting artifacts along wireframe lines in interactive viewports
pro VisRTX: Improved object picking speed in interactive viewports for large particle datasets
Version 3.11.1 (11-Nov-2024)
Added read/write support for zstandard (*.zst) compressed files (e.g. custom/zstd LAMMPS dump style)
New Viewport Graphics Configuration dialog
Added support for VTK files with header type UInt32
Fixed regression: Identify diamond structure modifier reports all atoms as “OTHER”
py Added support for Python 3.13
py Windows: Ensure that DLLs are always loaded from the package directory and never from other locations in the Windows search path
Version 3.11.0 (08-Oct-2024)

Visualization of vector information
We’ve added the Vectors object type to OVITO and the corresponding
Python class,
which allow placing arrow glyphs at arbitrary locations in 3d space (independent from particles) to visualize vectorial information anywhere.

Symmetric range option for color mapping tools

The Color coding modifier and other color mapping tools can now maintain a symmetric value range, which is useful for visualizing scalar fields that can take both positive and negative values. If this option is enabled, the color mapping range is automatically centered around zero.
Template system for viewport layers
Similar to modifier templates, you can now create pre-configured templates for viewport layers and reuse them in future program sessions. This feature is particularly useful for creating consistent overlays across multiple visualizations.
Interactive viewport rendering with VisRTX pro
On Windows and Linux machines with a CUDA-capable NVIDIA GPU, OVITO Pro now supports interactive rendering with the high-performance VisRTX ray-tracing backend. This allows you to explore your data interactively in the viewports with high-fidelity rendering quality.
Demo versions of the high-fidelity rendering backends in OVITO Basic
OVITO Basic now includes demo versions of the rendering backends OSPRay, Tachyon, and VisRTX.

Calculation of dislocation density and Nye tensor fields from DXA output pro
We’ve extended the Spatial binning modifier to compute the dislocation density field from the output of the DXA analysis. The new option also supports calculating the Nye tensor field from the discrete dislocation lines.
Identification of dislocation core atoms pro

We’ve developed a method for identifying atoms that are part of the defect core of individual dislocations. This pro feature is now available in the Dislocation analysis (DXA) modifier as a new option, see Identification of dislocation core atoms.
Python code generator for complex pipeline architectures pro
The Python code generator now supports scenes containing multiple pipelines and can generate valid script code for the most complex pipeline architectures, including branched pipelines, shared modifiers, and shared visual elements created with the interactive OVITO GUI. It also got better at handling viewport layers in complex visualization setups.

Improved rendering quality for semi-transparent objects and antialiased edges pro
OSPRay renderer : Improved rendering quality for semi-transparent objects and fixed dark artifacts along object edges on light backgrounds


Further improvements in this program release:
Major code refactoring to improve performance and maintainability; elimination of unnecessary data copies in the pipeline system
Modifiers now keep their computed results in memory when being temporarily turned off by the user to avoid recomputation when reenabled again
Better decoupling of UI and pipeline system, in particular to speed up the processing of long trajectories, which caused an unnecessary number of display updates in the past
Generate trajectory lines modifier: Trajectory processing now happens automatically in the background - it is no longer necessary to start the process manually
Affine transformation modifier: Rotational transformations now act on the Burgers vectors of dislocation lines
Dislocation analysis (DXA) modifier: Ensure cross-platform reproducible output
Unwrap trajectories modifier: Performance optimizations
Added a notification dialog that is shown on application startup when new program updates become available
Simulation file import: Updated mass of Zn in internal table of elements from 65.409 (pre 2007 value) to 65.38 (see - old value is still recognized for compatibility reasons
The Aspherix file reader can now load both particle-particle and particle-wall contact networks
Added parser support for modern Aspherix .vtm files containing a “Bodies” section. Bodies information from non-convex particle simulations is read in as a data table.
Each Aspherix DEM body is originally composed of multiple convex sub-particles.
A Python extension allows combining the sub-particles to non-convex body particles.
Import of existing CA files (i.e. loading of precomputed DXA results) is now an exclusive OVITO Pro program feature
Slice and Affine transformation modifiers: Step-wise parameter increments are now proportional to the simulation box size instead of the current parameter value to improve usability during interactive adjustments
Trailing “_” in imported particle property names are now stripped to avoid possible conflicts with the underscore notation in the Python API
Updated third-party components to latest versions: Python, OpenSSL, Qt, PySide6, Qwt
pro Time averaging modifier: Added time-averaging of the simulation cell shape and new option to overwrite original values with average
pro OSPRay renderer : Added support for pseudo-color mapping
pro VisRTX renderer : Improved rendering performance for scenes with large numbers of cubic, ellipsoidal, or superquadric particles
pro Environment variable
can be set to effectively block execution of Python scripts embedded in .ovito session state files from untrusted sourcespro Updated the standard code template in the Python script modifier to use the Advanced programming interface
Python API additions and changes:
py Added support for NumPy 2.x
py Full compatibility with Python 3.12
py The OVITO module now initializes the global Qt application object only on demand to avoid conflicts with other Python packages that also use PySide6
: Optionmap_particles_to_regions
now outputs per-region particle membership
method has been vectorized and can now process an array of input points using all CPU corespy New method
to efficiently determine the closest particles around several spatial locations at oncepy New method
to map one or more points into the primary simulation cellpy New attribute
, which allows querying the number of (output) trajectory frames of a pipelinepy New attribute
, which allows iterating over the output data collections computed by a pipeline for all trajectory framespy New attributes for file source objects:
py New advanced methods:
py New attributes in class
:py New parameter trait types:
py New class
: Addedpipeline
fieldpy Added the
optionpy Added support for Python’s copy module, which allows creating exact copies of OVITO data objects
py Deprecated method
(trajectory line generation is now done automatically by the modifier)
Bug fixes:
Data table plots: Axis scales and labels are invisible (white on white) in exported plots if dark UI theme is active
Data table plots: Regression due to updated Qt framework: missing colors in plot legends
Mouse cursor wrapping in spinner widgets not working for vertical multi-screen setups
Mouse cursor wrapping requires accessibility access on macOS
pro Time averaging modifier uses wrong divisor in average calculation if trajectory length is not an integer multiple of the sampling frequency
pro Render LAMMPS regions modifier: unexpected error if the modifier is inserted more than once into the same pipeline
Version 3.10.6 (03-May-2024)
LAMMPS data and dump files: Added I/O support for general triclinic simulation cells, which will soon be introduced by LAMMPS
LAMMPS dump and IMD file export: Use correct vector component names in output file columns for user-defined particle properties
function: filter out non-string metadata keys if present in the ASE Atoms objectpy
function: Use Python’s getpass() function to prompt for SSH password without echoing it to the console
Version 3.10.5 (17-Apr-2024)
Added new standard particle property
Vector Transparency
, which allows controlling the transparency of vector glyphs on a per-particle basisFixed endless loop when trying to cancel SSH authentification dialog after opening an existing session state file
Fixed a bug that prevented user changes to particle type parameters in combination with the Unwrap trajectories modifier
Coordination analysis modifier: Lifted upper limit on the number of RDF bins
py Added option
py Documented the capability of
to load files from remote SSH and HTTPS serverspro Corrected sun-sky light brightness scale of OSPRay renderer to match old behavior (v3.10.0 regression)
Version 3.10.4 (13-Mar-2024)
Adjust view dialog: Added option to numerically control the camera’s roll angle
Updated third-party libraries: OpenSSL 3.0.13, libssh 0.10.6, ffmpeg 6.1.1, Python 3.11.8, VisRTX 0.8.0
py Added
optionspro Create isosurface modifier: New option to identify spatial regions enclosed by the isosurface
pro Improved glTF file export: particles and bonds may now be exported as single meshes for better rendering performance (but larger file size)
pro OSPRay renderer : Fixed picking of focal length in the interactive viewports
pro VisRTX renderer : Added mesh backface culling support, gracefully handle initialization errors
pro Construct surface mesh modifier: Changed how the “external” spatial region is defined in open (non-periodic) systems, now having its volume reported as
Version 3.10.3 (19-Feb-2024)
Fix: Lines visual element renders wrong line caps when using option “Show up to current time only”
Fix: Drop-down list of available modifiers inserts wrong modifier template into pipeline after an entry was added to the list
py Fix:
method failing (issue #229)py Fix: Issue with
not accepting a NumPy arraypro Added parameter for ambient occlusion cutoff to VisRTX renderer
pro Fix: Warnings in Render LAMMPS regions modifier due to code line duplications
Version 3.10.2 (02-Feb-2024)
Rendering of animated GIFs with transparent background color
LAMMPS data file exporter: Emit 0 atom/bond types if no types are defined and there are no particles/bonds
Load trajectory: Drop ‘Periodic Image’ particle property from topology dataset if trajectory file does not contain dynamic image flags
py Added Python API for accessing the line connectivity information in a
pro Fixed OSPRay image rendering on transparent background (v3.10.0 regression)
pro macOS: Fixed crash in OSPRay renderer due to missing dylib (v3.10.0 regression)
Version 3.10.1 (09-Jan-2024)
Added support for the LAMMPS dump yaml file format to the LAMMPS dump file reader
Replicate modifier: Use particle property
Periodic Image
if present to yield correct replicated molecule identifiersFix: Frame 0 of LAMMPS dump, xyz and pdb trajectory files gets loaded a second time unnecessarily
py New Python properties
, which control the placement of a pipeline’s visual output in the 3d scenepy Fixed offscreen font rendering in standalone Python module on (headless) Linux platform
Version 3.10.0 (28-Dec-2023)
Perspective distortion for axis indicators
The Coordinate tripod layer provides a new option to distort the displayed tripod according to the perspective projection. Now the axes indicators exactly align with the edges of the simulation cell:


OVITO 3.10
3D full-scene export to glTF format pro
The new glTF file exporter can export OVITO models including all visual elements. This lets you export entire scenes to PowerPoint, Blender, or the web as movable 3d objects:

Below is a glTF model exported from OVITO Pro, embedded into this HTML page. Click and drag to rotate the model.
The 3d viewer works only in the online version of this document due to web browser security restrictions.
In the offline version of the OVITO docs, you will see only a static image of the model.
New Python classes to paint arbitrary 3d lines pro
The new
and ovito.vis.LinesVis
classes allow
visualizing line segments in 3d space, e.g., for augmenting particle models with additional

pro New renderer: NVIDIA VisRTX
We’ve added the VisRTX renderer and a corresponding Python class ovito.vis.AnariRenderer
which make use of the cross-vendor Khronos ANARI API.
The VisRTX rendering backend offers hardware-accelerated ray-tracing on NVIDIA GPUs and can generate high-fidelity scene renderings
in a fraction of a second – even for complex datasets containing millions of objects.
Remote trajectory rendering function pro
Added a function for Rendering simulation trajectories on remote computers . It lets you prepare trajectory visualizations on your local computer and easily render them on a parallel HPC cluster. OVITO Pro takes care of packaging all required data files and generating the necessary job scripts for you.

Further changes in this program release:
Smooth trajectory modifier: Now supports trajectories with varying number of particles
Smooth trajectory modifier: Fixed wrong interpolation/averaging of particle orientations
LAMMPS data file reader: Tolerate more than one empty line after file section titles
XYZ file reader: Automatic detection of reduced coordinates turned off by default, because extended XYZ files with reduced coordinates are very rare
py Some Python functions now return true NumPy arrays instead of Python tuples
py New Python function
py New parameter trait types
, andVector3
py Renamed existing parameter traits types
py Restricted
to session state files written by OVITO Pro or the Python modulepy Added function parameter
class now performs out-of-range checks on function OpenGL, OSPRay, and Tachyon renderers: Added buttons to reset numeric parameters to their default values
pro User-defined parameters can now be grouped in the UI by means of the new
metadata attribute
Version 3.9.4 (04-Nov-2023)
Fix: OpenGL rendering of ellipsoidal/superquadric/box particles with wrong orientations (regression since v3.9.0)
Version 3.9.3 (01-Nov-2023)
Expand selection modifier: Added new output attribute ExpandSelection.num_added
Identify diamond structure modifier: Added missing output attribute IdentifyDiamond.counts.OTHER
Fix: Section “Modifier templates” of available modifiers list not updated correctly when adding/removing templates
Fix: LAMMPS data file reader: vector vis settings of Velocity property lost after loading a state file
Fix: Segfault when opening a .ovito state file with macOS Finder while OVITO is already running
Fix: Construct surface mesh modifier: Option Map particles to regions may yield invalid results when used with option Use only selected input particles
Updated third-party components: OpenSSL 1.1.1w, Qt/PySide6 6.5.3, Python 3.11.6
py PyPI packages for Python 3.12
Version 3.9.2 (31-Aug-2023)
Support Ctrl+C copy to clipboard in table of distances, angles, and dislocations in the data inspector
Fix: Text label viewport layer accidentally disables 3d depth test in interactive viewports if used as an underlay
now raise exceptions in case an error occurs in any of the scene pipelines (can be changed via new parameter stop_on_error)py New flag
py Corrected data column headers in XYZ, LAMMPS dump, and IMD files written via
if a vector property was specified in the columns listpro New class-based programming interface for custom viewport overlays:
pro Build Conda package as monolithic binaries for improved performance of the Python interface
pro Updated third-party components: OpenSSL 1.1.1v, PySide6 6.5.2, Python 3.11.5
Version 3.9.1 (06-Aug-2023)
Fix: Voronoi Analysis modifier crashes if simulation cell is degenerate or atom count is zero, and option Generate neighbor bonds is turned on
py New Python class
py New Python method
, which gives user-defined modifiers control over the timeline lengthpy New Python field
pro Fixed ovitos -m pip install failure for packages that require a build step
Version 3.9.0 (02-Aug-2023)
Dark mode support on Windows
To enable the dark UI theme on Windows, go to the application settings and switch on Enable automatic dark mode. OVITO will follow the Windows system color theme.

OpenSSH client integration pro
OVITO Pro is now able to access data files on remote machines using OpenSSH’s sftp utility, which fully supports smartcard authentication and other advanced ssh features. See OpenSSH client for further information.
User-defined file format readers pro
This program release introduces a programming interface for user-defined file readers, which enables
you to develop parser functions for new file formats in Python. User-defined file readers are fully integrated into the
GUI of OVITO Pro and work seamlessly with the import_file()
function from the OVITO Python module.
Discovery mechanism for Python extensions pro
Python extensions for OVITO Pro or the OVITO Python module (i.e. user-defined modifiers and file readers) can now be packaged as Python modules, making it easier to deploy and install them (using pip install). Custom extensions you’ve developed can be put under version control in a Git repo and shared online with other OVITO users if desired – we have set up the new OVITO Extensions Directory for that purpose. After easy installation on a user’s computer, OVITO Pro automatically discovers all extensions and makes them available in the GUI.

New Python Settings dialog pro
The new Python Settings dialog provides access to all things related to a Python extension in OVITO Pro:
Configure the current working directory used for file I/O operations
Hot reload function for imported Python modules, which streamlines development of Python code located in external source files
Import the source code of installed extensions into the current program session to selectively customize functions when needed
List of all installed Python packages that are available for import by user code
Support for more file formats
OVITO can now import DCD trajectory files, which are written by the CHARMM, NAMD, and LAMMPS simulation codes. OVITO Pro and the OVITO Python module can additionally read ASE trajectory files.
Further changes in this program release:
Support for additional property data types (float32, int8) to reduce memory footprint of particle properties with low precision requirements (e.g. Color, Selection)
OpenGL renderer: Performance optimizations, direct upload of float32 and int8 array values to GPU memory
GSD file reader: Do not skip
chunks containing/
in their names (issue #226)Fix: Color Coding modifier’s “Adjust Range” function does not follow option “Only selected”
Search patterns for trajectory file series: Avoid asterisk in file extensions containing digits, e.g.
Data table file exporter does not require a
-property anymoreAutomatic name mangling of atom attributes imported from LAMMPS dump, GSD, and XYZ files in case they do not conform to OVITO’s property naming rules
The Vulkan viewport renderer has been removed
py New Python methods
py New Python method
py Performance optimizations for property data access from Python code
Version 3.8.5 (19-Jun-2023)
Voronoi analysis modifier now outputs per-face
andVoronoi Order
mesh propertiesPDB file reader: Refined detection of cells with periodic boundary conditions
GSD file reader: Support time-varying radii of spherical type shapes; display simulation step numbers in timeline
LAMMPS dump file reader: Automatically map file columns to standard particle properties if names match
Bug fix: Particle selection in data inspector is lost when playing animation or moving viewport camera
Workaround for macOS (Apple Silicon) OpenGL stencil buffer issue: Highlighted particles not rendered correctly
Update third-party libraries: ffmpeg 6.0, OpenSSL 1.1.1u, libssh 0.10.5, Qt 6.5.1, PySide6, HDF5 1.14.1-2, NetCDF 4.9.2
Version 3.8.4 (03-May-2023)
Fix: ffmpeg video encoding crashes on Windows if output path contains non-ascii characters
Silence console message “Numeric mode unsupported in the posix collation implementation” on Linux by enabling ICU support in Qt build
pro Fix: Segfault in PySide6 package initialization on Linux when adding a Python layer to a viewport
py Fix: Interchanged xz/yz simulation box shear components in
Python function
Version 3.8.3 (16-Apr-2023)
Further improved performance of sequential loading of compressed trajectory files
Fixed regression (since v3.8.0):
renders only first animation framepy Python exceptions raised in user-defined modifier functions are now propagated up the call chain to where the pipeline evaluation was triggered
pro Included
and sqlite3 standard modules, which were missing in embedded Python interpreter on Linux
Version 3.8.2 (04-Apr-2023)
Implemented fast access to trajectory frames in compressed (gzipped) files
Fix: Segfault when using zoom function in viewport with an attached camera object
Fix: Segfault in Coordination polyhedra modifier on Linux
Fix: Function ‘load/save session state’ does not follow global working directory
Version 3.8.1 (27-Mar-2023)
Identification of volumetric regions using the Gaussian density method pro
The Construct surface mesh modifier’s implementation of the Gaussian density method has been extended to support the identification of volumetric regions, e.g. pores, cavities, and filled spatial regions. Their respective surface areas and volumes are calculated and output by the modifier in tabulated form.
To make this possible, we have developed an extension to the Marching Cubes algorithm for isosurface construction, which provides the capability to identify disconnected spatial regions separated by the surface mesh and compute their enclosed volumes – of course with full support for periodic boundary conditions.

New efficient Python method for computing neighbor lists pro
OVITO’s Python interface now offers the new CutoffNeighborFinder.find_all()
for vectorized computation of neighbor lists for many or all particles at once.
Further changes:
LAMMPS data file reader: Accept ‘#’ in type names, which are referenced in data sections of the file
Version 3.8.0 (03-Mar-2023)
Develop custom modifiers with extended capabilities pro
A newly devised programming interface enables you to write advanced modifier functions in Python that
access more than one frame of a simulation trajectory,
perform computations that involve data from several input files, or
need control over the caching of computational results.
Take simulation post-processing to the next level! Develop your own trajectory analysis algorithms in Python, which are fully integrated into OVITO’s pipeline system and the interactive interface of OVITO Pro.
class CalculateIncrementalDisplacementsModifier(ModifierInterface):
def modify(self, data, frame, input_slots, **kwargs):
next_frame = input_slots['upstream'].compute(frame + 1)
displacements = next_frame.particles.positions - data.particles.positions
Have a look at our completely revised introduction to user-defined modifiers and check out the new advanced programming interface for user-defined modifiers.
Improved color legends
OVITO can now render tick marks in color mapping legends to label intermediate values. Furthermore, the legend’s title may be rotated by 90 degrees:

File reader for ASE database files pro
Load atomic structures from database files of the Atomic Simulation Environment (ASE) into OVITO. The new file reader lets you scroll through all structures in a database or pick specific structures using a query string. Metadata associated with structures is made available in OVITO as global attributes.

New modifier: Identify fcc planar faults pro
Easily identify different planar defect types, such as stacking faults and coherent twin boundaries, in face-centered cubic (fcc) crystals. We have developed a powerful classification algorithm for hcp-like atoms that make up such planar defects:

New modifier: Render LAMMPS regions pro
Use this new tool to generate mesh-based representations of the parametric regions defined in your LAMMPS simulation, e.g., cylinders, spheres, or blocks, and visualize the boundaries of these spatial regions along with the particle model:

Spatial binning modifier: New unity input option pro
This options offers a shortcut for calculating particle density distributions, i.e. counting the particles per grid cell. Previous versions required first defining an auxiliary particle property with a uniform value of 1 to calculate the number density:

See Spatial binning modifier.
Support for LAMMPS dump grid files
OVITO can now read and visualize the new volumetric grid file format written by recent LAMMPS versions thanks to the newly added LAMMPS dump grid file reader:

Slice modifier on voxel grids
When you apply the Slice modifier to a voxel grid, cell values now get copied to the mesh faces and interpolated field values to the mesh vertices of the generated cross-section. This enables both discrete and interpolated visualizations of the field values along arbitrary planar cross-sections:

See Slice modifier and Voxel grids.
Support for point-based volumetric grids
In addition to the classical cell-based voxel grids, OVITO now also supports point-based volumetric grids, in which field values are associated with the grid points instead of the voxel cells. All functions in OVITO that operate on grids, e.g. the Create isosurface modifier, also support periodic and mixed boundary conditions.

and Gaussian Cube file reader.
Load Trajectory modifier now supports removal of particles
Previously, the Load trajectory modifier required the trajectory file to contain coordinates for all particles that were initially present in the topology dataset. The improved version of the modifier can now deal with particles disappearing in later frames of a trajectory, e.g., when particles get removed from the simulation over time.
Further additions and changes in this program release:
Added dark mode UI support for Linux platform.
Spatial correlation function modifier: Added support for 2d simulations.
Wrap at periodic boundaries modifier: Added support for 2d simulations.
Save and restore maximized state of main window across program sessions.
LAMMPS data file reader & writer: Added support for extended Velocities file section for when using LAMMPS atom styles electron, ellipsoid, or sphere.
LAMMPS data file writer: Added the option to renumber all particle/bond/angle/dihedral/improper types during export. Avoids conversion problems from 0-based type IDs loaded from GSD files.
New option to clip surfaces at open box boundaries (see
).Cluster analysis modifier: Abort calculation of center of mass and radius of gyration if masses of all input particles are zero.
pro Added user option that makes OVITO Pro import multiple files of the same kind as separate objects into the scene.
py Accept
objects in Python functionsimport_file()
: Acceptdata
values that are broadcastable to shape of property array.
Version 3.7.12 (16-Dec-2022)
GRO file reader: Recognize additional chemical symbols SI, FE, BR.
STL file reader: Tolerate leading whitespace on first line.
Updated third-party libraries on Windows: Qt 6.4.1, OpenSSL 1.1.1s, ffmpeg 4.2.8, zlib 1.2.23.
Fix: Voronoi cavity radius calculation is wrong by a factor of 2.
Fix: Function “Make Independent” does not work correctly for surface mesh visual elements in cloned pipelines.
pro Fix: Python method
can yield wrong results for coarse, one-sided meshes.
Version 3.7.11 (29-Oct-2022)
Added user option to application settings dialog for changing the working directory behavior.
Fixed regression: Slice modifier does not work on voxel grids.
pro Vectorized all query methods of
SurfaceMeshTopology Provide PyPI package for Python 3.11.
pro Added flat array option to method
Version 3.7.10 (09-Oct-2022)
Optimization of main window UI widgets to improve rapid animation playback at high frame rates.
Enhancements to the pipeline editor: Brief information display for some modifiers.
New right-click context menu in pipeline editor: Branched and cloned pipelines Added ‘Copy to…’ function for copying modifiers within and across pipelines.
pro Standalone Python module: Run in headless mode by default. OVITO_GUI_MODE env variable requests OpenGL renderer support.
pro PyPI package on Linux: Switched back to PySide6 version 6.2.4 for better backward compatibility with older Ubuntu distros.
pro Fixed loading of files opened via double click in case license validation dialog pops up.
pro Generalized the Vectors element to support visualization of vector quantities in more types of
.pro New Python function
.pro Automatic conversion of NumPy array scalars to Python numbers when storing them as OVITO global
Version 3.7.9 (12-Sep-2022)
Voronoi analysis: Added calculation of cavity radius.
GSD file importer/exporter: Added support for particle attributes “angmom” and “body”.
Fix: Affine Transformation modifier not transforming particles in target-cell mode in rare situations (when called from Python).
Fix: File import via drag & drop not working when Vulkan viewport renderer is active.
Upgraded Qt cross-platform framework to version 6.3.1.
Cluster analysis modifier: Warn user if center of mass cannot be computed due to cluster’s total mass being zero.
pro Upgraded OVITO Pro integrated interpreter embedded interpreter to Python 3.10.6.
pro Installing third-party Python modules Installation of PyPI packages with the
option in the embedded interpreter is now New Python API for creating Improved operation of Python module in Jupyter environments. Interrupting long-running operations is fully supported now.
pro New experimental Jupyter notebook visualization widget (
).pro Added Python API
ovito.vis.ColorLegendOverlay Fix: Segfault during Python statement
del ovito.scene.pipelines[:]
Version 3.7.8 (29-Jul-2022)
Fix: Program crash when quickly skipping through a trajectory consisting of a series of files loaded via SSH (regression OVITO 3.7.0).
Fix: Visual artifacts when rendering cone primitives (3d arrow heads) at small length scales due to numerical precision issue.
pro Added conda packages for Python 3.10.
pro Added conda packages for macOS arm64/M1 platform.
pro Work around a memory leak in some OpenGL graphics driver implementations when the
Python function is called repeatedly.
Version 3.7.7 (06-Jul-2022)
Ubuntu 22.04 compatibility - Linux package of OVITO now includes a private copy of OpenSSL 1.1 libraries.
Version 3.7.6 (23-Jun-2022)
PDB file reader: Added support for CP2K trajectory format.
LAMMPS dump file reader: Recognize
columns and automatically them to correct particle properties.Fix: Camera FOV parameter not animatable when rendering a movie.
Fix: Segfault when loading .ovito state files written by OVITO 3.3 or older containing a Python script.
Fix: Grain segmentation algorithm never terminates for particular inputs.
PyPI package for Linux: disabled built-in SSH client to improve compatibility with Ubuntu 22.04, which doesn’t provide OpenSSL 1.1 libraries anymore.
pro New Python class
, which provides script access to the face connectivity information of surface Conda channel now provides additional variants of the ovito package (built against
v2020 and v2021), which avoids dependency conflicts with certain third-party packages when installing them in the same environment.
Version 3.7.5 (28-May-2022)
Smooth trajectory modifier now supports varying number of particles.
SSH client: Try password first before keyboard-interactive authentication for successful handshaking with some SSH servers.
Performance improvements to OpenGL high-quality sphere rendering code
Bug fix: Data inspector shows a 3rd text label in bar charts with 2 bars.
Bug fix: Sporadic program crashes when importing CA files.
dictionary can now store arbitrary Python New Python method
.pro New Python method
.pro Bumped maximum neighbor limit of
to Dropped support for Python 3.6, which has reached its end-of-life date.
Version 3.7.4 (18-Apr-2022)
Centrosymmetry parameter modifier: New option ‘Use only selected particles’.
LAMMPS data file reader: Added support for Ellipsoids section.
Fix: Program crash during file format detection when importing file from path containing CJK or other non-ANSI characters.
Fix: Error “The file source path is empty or has not been set” when picking a new simulation file of different format.
pro Construct surface mesh modifer: New option ‘Map particles to regions’.
pro New Python methods
Version 3.7.3 (29-Mar-2022)
DXA modifier now picks up partitioning established by Grain Segmentation modifier in the upstream pipeline, see discussion in the forum.
Fix: XYZ file column mapping is reset when using “Pick new file” function.
Fix: App closes when using the “Pick new file” function under Linux (issue #216).
Fix: Segfault when deleting a disabled modifier from a branched pipeline.
Fix: Construct surface mesh modifier sometimes produces incorrect cap polygons if the alpha-shape complex contains degenerate elements (issue #217).
Regression: Progress bar not updated correctly during execution of Construct Surface Mesh and DXA modifiers.
Regression: Program does not exit if
command line option is Added user documentation for Python-based modifiers Calculate local entropy and Shrink-wrap simulation box .
pro Added .pyi stub files to OVITO Python Reference Python package to support auto-completions and mouse-over documentation in Python IDEs.
now accepts non-periodic simulation cells that are Fix:
method generates wrong x-coords array if data table interval doesn’t start at 0.
Version 3.7.2 (03-Mar-2022)
Improved render output window with image zoom function.
Fix: Particle type colors not initialised correctly if imported LAMMPS dump file contains both ‘type’ and ‘element’ columns (issue #193 note 403792737).
pro macOS: Fixed PySide6 loading error due to wrong rpath information when importing PyPI ovito package.
pro Linux: Fixed sqlite3 Python package included in the embedded Python interpreter of OVITO Pro.
Version 3.7.1 (26-Feb-2022)
Fixed regression: Segfault when loading session state file containing a viewport camera object.
pro New Python function
classes support removing properties with thedel Inform user if insufficient file access permissions let license activation fail.
Version 3.7.0 (15-Feb-2022)
Visual element and particle type settings can now be preserved when picking a new input simulation file in the External file external file panel.
Support for HTML formatted text in viewport layers Text label layer, Color legend layer, and Coordinate tripod layer.
Improved color quality of animated GIFs produced by OVITO
Added dark mode UI support on macOS.
Availability of native arm64/M1 builds of OVITO Basic, OVITO Pro and the OVITO Python package for Apple Silicon machines.
Ported OVITO code base from C++14 to C++17 language standard.
Switched from old Qt 5.x to version 6.2 of the Qt cross-platform C++ framework and, correspondingly, from PySide2 to PySide6. (Exception: Packages for Anaconda, where dependencies Qt6/PySide6 are not yet available).
Completely reworked and modernized the internal asynchronous task system and the scene rendering framework of OVITO.
New standard Bonds property “Width”, which allows controlling the diameter of bond cylinders on a per-bond basis.
Added detailed documentation for some of the file readers of OVITO. See the Input file formats.
LAMMPS data file reader & writer: Added preliminary support for type labels, which will be supported by a future version of LAMMPS.
LAMMPS dump file reader: Map columns
to particle propertyAspherical Shape
and perform division by 2.GSD file reader & writer: Added support for angles/dihedrals/impropers.
User can now rename individual structure types in the UI of structure identification modifiers.
Implemented new OpenGL rendering technique *Weighted Blended Order-Independent Transparency*, providing an alternative to the classical painter’s algorithm. Can be activated in the app settings dialog and gives better results if there’s a mix of several different object types (e.g. particles and surfaces) that are all semi-transparent.
Detect if the triangle mesh is not closed when loading a custom particle shape. Automatically disable back-face culling for the particle type in this case.
CA file reader: Compute dislocation line statistics for re-imported datasets the same way the DXA modifier does.
Fix: Particles visual element does not use uniform scaling factor when rendering some non-spherical particle shapes.
Version 3.6.0 (19-Nov-2021)
Vectors, Surface mesh, Voxel grid, Lines visual elements: Added direct color mapping option as a faster alternative to the Color coding modifier.
Bonds visual element: Added explicit control of the coloring mode.
Made number and Multi-viewport layouts configurable by the user.
Visibility of pipelines can be controlled on a Viewport menu per viewport basis.
Coordination polyhedra modifier now makes particle properties available for the color coding as mesh region properties and mesh vertex properties.
Generate trajectory lines modifier: New capability to transfer time-dependent particle properties to the trajectory lines.
Load trajectory modifier: Support non-contiguous atom IDs in LAMMPS bond dump files
Added file reader for binary STL files.
Customizing the initial program state: New mechanism for customizing the initial program session state.
Raised limit on the number of FFT bins in Spatial Correlation Modifier to support finer grid resolutions.
Fix: PTM modifier may crash if graphene/diamond are the only enabled structure types.
Fix: Traced trajectory lines may be rendered in wrong colors.
Took out code that transmits random installation ID to web server.
OpenSSL shared libraries are no longer shipped with OVITO for Linux to avoid compatibility issues on some Linux distributions.
pro Rendering images or movies of a viewport layout : Added capability to render multi-viewport layouts in one step.
pro Python code generator has been extended to generate code for all visual elements and for reenacting manual changes made by the user to data objects (e.g. particle type names, color, radii).
pro Added the
keyword parameter to
Python function for specifying the file format Upgraded OSPRay to version 2.7.1.
pro Renamed
method and made it work in all distributions of theovito
Python Added experimental
method for embedding OVITO viewports in Jupyter notebooks (see demo binder).pro Support for site-wide software licenses.
pro Fix: Bounding box clipping artifact when rendering rotated superquadrics particles with OSPRay or Tachyon renderers.
pro Fix: Warning “This plugin does not support createPlatformOpenGLContext!” when running in headless mode on Linux machines.
Version 3.5.4 (31-Jul-2021)
LAMMPS data file reader and writer now support all LAMMPS atom styles, including the
style.Fix: Construct surface mesh with region identification fails or never completes for some inputs.
pro Fix: Tachyon renderer crashes when triangle mesh contains a degenerate vertex normal.
Version 3.5.3 (30-Jun-2021)
Added two Tutorials to the documentation.
Voxel grid visual element now supports mouse-over data display in the status bar.
Added invert function to Manual selection modifier.
Warn user if OVITO Python module was installed via
command in an Anaconda Python interpreter. Useconda install
instead!Fix: Configure Trajectory Playback dialog shows no contents.
Fix: Neighbor finder facilities do not ignore PBC flag along third dimension in 2D mode.
Version 3.5.2 (26-May-2021)
Affine transformation modifier now allows entering the translation vector in reduced cell coordinates.
Load trajectory modifier can now import ReaxFF bond information files written by the LAMMPS fix reax/c/bonds command.
GSD file reader: Fill particle property array with default values if a chunk is not present in current frame (issue #206)
pro Fix: Invisible simulation cell edges when rendering image with orthographic projection with OSPRay
Version 3.5.1 (18-May-2021)
The Coordination analysis modifier has gained an option ‘Only selected particles’, which restricts RDF calculation to a subset of particles.
The ‘Generate neighbor bonds’ option of the Voronoi analysis modifier is now able to deal with small periodic simulation cells.
Fix: Wireframe line rendering issue in perspective viewports.
pro The Slice modifier now accepts (hkl) Miller indices as input for defining the plane orientation. The plane position can be specified in terms of the interplanar spacing.
pro OVITO Pro for Linux now ships with a current Python 3.9.5 interpreter.
pro Fix:
method cannot create user-defined property of data typeint64
Version 3.5.0 (02-May-2021)
Pipeline editor supports drag-and-drop operations, which allow easy rearranging of modifiers with the mouse.
Modifiers can be grouped in the pipeline editor to collapse complex sequences of modifiers into a single list entry.
Color legend layer can render a legend for typed particle properties, showing the discrete colors representing the defined particle types.
New implementation of the OpenGL viewport renderer. Provides better compatibility with GPU hardware, older OpenGL drivers, and virtual machine environments. OVITO now works on systems with only OpenGL 2.1 support (previous OVITO version required OpenGL 3.2).
New viewport renderer based on the Vulkan graphic hardware interface as an alternative option to the OpenGL renderer. Can be activated in the application settings dialog (not available on macOS). Supports rendering in head-less mode on HPC nodes with GPU hardware.
New Pipeline concept pipeline selector widget in the toolbar of OVITO, which lets you manage the data pipelines in the current scene and add new pipelines.
Extended the Create bonds modifier. A new parameter-free mode allows creating bonds based on van der Waals radii of the atoms.
Performance improvement: Create Bonds modifier can now make use of multiple processor cores.
Affine Transformation modifier can now transform triangle meshes (imported from STL, OBJ, VTK files).
Several file format readers now provide the option to generate interatomic bonds during data import (relieves from having to apply the Create Bonds modifier).
Some file format readers provide a new option to dynamically recenter the simulation cell on the coordinate origin. Useful for visualizing trajectories with varying cell shape.
Gromacs, PDB, and mmCIF file readers now import atom names and residue names as particle properties.
Internal chemical database of OVITO has been extended to include all elements and mass information, which will be assigned to particle types during file import.
The Particles visual element provides a Particles new parameter controlling the uniform scaling of atom radii. Useful for quickly producing a typical “balls-and-sticks” representation of a molecular structure.
A bonds-only visualization of a molecular structure (with particles turned off) now adds spheres at the nodal points of the bond network to yield a typical “stick” representation.
XYZ file reader now supports the exyz format variant of OpenBabel.
Fix: CFG file reader loosing particle type settings during file reload.
Fix: Segfault when loading certain NetCDF files with >1M particles.
Fix: Error when deleting some regions of a surface mesh structure.
Fix: Slow performance of Particles visual element when some particle types use mesh-based shapes.
Rearranged the Render settings panel. The viewport preview mode can now be activated from here.
Extended the Python API to support
from scripts.OVITO User Manual uses a new layout theme and supports full-text search.
Environment variable OVITO_LOG_FILE allows redirecting terminal output of OVITO to a text file (useful on Windows platform, where console output is otherwise inaccessible).
pro New modifier Color by type modifier for recoloring particles based on one of their typed properties, e.g. discrete
Residue Type
orAtom Name New pipeline data source type Python script . Run a user-defined Python function that builds or synthesizes an input
for a pipeline (instead of loading a structure from disk). Can also be used to import data formats into OVITO which are not directly supported by the LAMMPS script : The new data pipeline source type LAMMPS script allows editing and executing LAMMPS input scripts within OVITO to generate a dataset using LAMMPS commands. Useful for prototyping LAMMPS simulation setups with immediate visual feedback in OVITO.
pro Updated OSPRay rendering library to version 2.5.0, offering a better denoising filter.
pro Spatial Binning modifier can now process vector particle properties in addition to scalar properties.
pro Python API: Added the method
for enumerating all particles around an arbitrary spatial Python code generator: Emit valid code for visualization setups including a
.pro Python code generator: Emit call to
method of Generate Trajectory Lines Fix: Made auto-crop function work for pictures rendered with OSPRay and denoising filter enabled.
pro Fix: Python viewport layer does not get called with current values of user-defined parameters.
Version 3.4.4 (12-Mar-2021)
Fix: Number of data columns not correctly detected for XYZ files with 5 atoms or less.
Fix: Program crash when playing back animation with less than 1 frame per second in interactive viewports.
Fix: Simulation cell not visible in interactive viewports on some computer systems (issue #203).
Fix: CIF file reader not automatically recognizing files written by Open Babel (issue #204).
pro Fix: OSPRay not rendering arrow glyphs correctly.
Version 3.4.3 (25-Feb-2021)
Added text outline option to Coordinate Tripod viewport layer.
Fixed UI issue: Status bar resizing due to invalid unicode character in text string.
Corrected camera orientation of “Bottom” viewport view type when rotation constraint is turned on.
Improved automatic detection of PDB file format.
pro It’s now okay to assign a simple string to the
expression field.
Version 3.4.2 (15-Feb-2021)
Long text strings displayed in the status bar of OVITO now get broken into two lines in order to show more property values in the available space.
Bug fix: Status bar doesn’t display latest set of particle properties while positioning the mouse cursor over a particle. This fix corrects a regression introduced with OVITO 3.4.0.
Fixed a limitation of the PTM modifier not identifying diamond and graphene structures in small periodic simulation cells.
Version 3.4.1 (03-Feb-2021)
Fixed runtime linker error when importing
Python module installed via pip on Spatial binning modifier can now operate on vectorial particle properties.
Version 3.4.0 (28-Jan-2021)
Backward incompatible .ovito state file format change: Program sessions saved with OVITO 3.4 or later cannot be opened in previous versions!
Extensive redesign of OVITO’s internal C++ data object model to make it thread-safe. User experience and Python API remain largely unaffected.
State files (.ovito) now store relative paths to imported data files, enabling the relocation of an entire directory tree containing the state file and the data file without breaking the reference.
Rewrite of the OpenGL rendering code, making use of geometry shaders on a wider range of hardware. OVITO now requires OpenGL 3.0 or higher (previous releases required OpenGL 2.1).
Color Coding modifier: Added an auto-adjust option, which dynamically adjusts the min/max interval to the current range of input values.
File importers reading the
vector particle property automatically generate theVelocity Magnitude
particle property too.OVITO can now visualize particles with superellipsoid shapes, which are controlled by the
Superquadric Roundness
particle property.Preliminary file reader support for ParaView VTP, VTI, VTM and PVD formats, as written by the Aspherix DEM simulation code.
pro OVITO Pro gives the user the option to edit Python scripts in an external editor application or IDE (e.g. Visual Studio Code). Changes the user makes to the script code in the external editor are automatically loaded back into OVITO Pro.
pro The Python script modifier displays the current working directory and lets the user control it if necessary.
pro Python-based viewport layers now support user-defined parameters passed to the
render() OSPRay and Tachyon renderers can now render polyhedral meshes with highlighted edges (wireframe overlay).
pro New Python method